Curved Treadmills
Curved Treadmill - Your Best Ally for Cardio HIIT
The treadmill is the quintessential cardio machine that any professional gym includes among its machines, but not all include a professional curved treadmill. These have the advantage that they burn 30% more calories than the conventional treadmill.
These types of treadmills generate low impact, the mechanical system of the curved mat provides a great absorption of the impact, in addition to being a smooth and silent system because there is no friction or wear that does occur in the standard treadmill.
Its and ideal cardio machine for HIIT training because it allows the change from sprint to fast walking (and vice versa). In addition, it has a low maintenance cost and the highest quality of the components that ensures a wide durability of the device.
Another of its strengths is that self-propelled treadmills do not need electricity to operate, so in addition to saving costs in maintaining your gym, you will be doing your bit to protect the environment.